
Case Studies

Case studies are useful for your business’s marketing strategy as they combine compelling storytelling with key informational content about your business. They provide the opportunity to expand upon and analyze a customer’s problem, going on to explain how your business facilitated with a solution.

​ At CrowdBox, we help companies tell their success stories. Each case study is grounded in powerful storytelling backed by data. Our in-depth process blends thorough research and compelling content in an easy-to-digest format for the B2B buying decision-making unit.

We equip sales teams for success — and we’d like to help you accomplish something similar.

Man drawing Case study chart on a virtual board

White Papers

We specialize specifically in Marketing and Sales within the IT Industry. We have built out a series of content/whitepapers outlining some of the challenges marketing executives face when running campaigns and events. ​

We have a total of 15 years’ experience across Lead/Demand Generation, Executive IT Events, Channel Campaigns, Outsourced Inside Sales Services. We hope that our whitepapers will help you gain an understanding on how we can support you with your next successful marketing campaign. ​

Businessman Writing the Word Content


Asset 1: The Art of Bridging the gap between market and sales

Asset 2: The benefits of combining Digital + Telemarketing

Asset 3: The benefits of streamline Lead Management

Asset 4: Lead Quality and Quantity, how to generate both

Asset 5: CrowdBox Services Overview

Asset 6: CrowdBox Channel Offering